We are living in very peculiar times indeed. Who would have thought that there could ever be a virus that would bring the entire world to its knees? And who would have thought that during these times, one of the best things we could do for ourselves and for others; for our health, safety and wellbeing is not to set foot outside our homes unless absolutely necessary? I always tell people that this situation is like one of those futuristic sci-fi movies The Fella watches.
The words 'referendum;' 'Brexit;' 'leave;' and 'remain' will always be synonymous with the year 2016. And likewise, the phrases 'self-isolation;' 'quarantine;' 'social-distancing;' 'coronavirus;' and of course 'Covid 19' will always be wonderful little reminders of the year that was 2020 when people look back at this in fifty years time.
Who could have guessed that the new decade would start out like this?

This horrendous virus and it's effects have spread right around the world faster than the popularity of the latest boy band. At best, people have been stranded at airports, or been unable to visit their mums on Mothers' Day. At worst... well let's not get into that. We hear enough about that on the news as it is, and of course it's terribly upsetting. This is a very fearful and worrying time for all of us. And with cases soaring all over the world, and health professionals stretched to breaking point, we've all be told to follow government guidelines with regards to staying safe and minimizing the risks of spreading the disease. People all around the world have to deal with being stuck indoors; keeping a safe distance from everyone especially those who are considered high risk; avoiding mass gatherings of any kind, and only venturing out if it's absolutely necessary.
People are really feeling the loss of their freedom, causing feelings of loneliness, boredom and tension. But feeling stressed and getting upset isn't going to help anyone - especially if we have others depending on us. So it's no surprise that people are practicing various kinds of self-care and are doing whatever they can to alleviate these negative feelings, and doing whatever they can to feel calmer and less anxious. As a result, people are focusing on other things to occupy themselves and take their minds off the current situation. Some people are using this time to get their houses in immaculate order; work out more; meditate, or are going online to learn a new skill.

Like most people, I'm also feeling the stress of these very troubling times. Plus being so far away from my family and friends adds to the worry. One thing that always helps me to feel better during times of tension and anxiety is to retreat into my own little nostalgic paradise which shouldn't come as a surprise to anybody! Binge watching a show from the seventies; laughing along with a sitcom I remember from my childhood; becoming immersed in my vintage magazine collection, or dancing around the house to some eighties pop is my coping mechanism and always makes me feel a lot better and less stressed.

So if you're someone like me who agrees that nostalgia can indeed be very effective in putting a big, fat smile on your face, then check out our post on activities you can do while in isolation that should hopefully leave you feeling less stressed and anxious. It's basically self-care with a nostalgic twist! I was trying to think of something morale boosting to say but nobody, and I do mean, nobody, could have put it any better than my dear friend HB, so I will leave you with her wise words. Believe me, it's not every day she imparts such pearls of wisdom so let's enjoy it while it lasts. But well said, H, well said!
"There's a lot of things we can do in our natural means to stay healthy. So if you follow the advice and guidelines, I'm sure that everything will be fine, and you'll be helping others around you and the health service... We just got to pull together, we can work together - and we're going to ride through this. Ride through this together as a team... a nation... the world. Because there's no space for any wars, violence, aggression. We're all in this together now. The whole world. So stay safe. Stay indoors. And let's ride through this together as a team."
Good on ya girl! I would so loved to have shown you all the video of this um, address to the nation, to show you the enthusiasm, earnestness, and emotion that went into those words - but she's threatened to kill me if I do! So much for there not being any space for violence or aggression, eh!
But on a more serious note, we've all seen examples of selfish behavior and sheer stupidity with regards to this crisis. But we've also seen examples of humanity at it's best. I couldn't end this post without mentioning the healthcare professionals, carers, volunteers, janitors, emergency responders, law enforcement officers, supermarket staff, charity workers, delivery drivers and all those people out there who are doing their bit in whatever way possible to make things easier, better and safer for everybody else - all those people who restore your faith in humanity. I hope everybody is staying safe, calm, healthy and well.
Stay safe everybody and take care x

Word cloud: Angel Noire
The lockdown was a very difficult time for so many people. I really do wish that there could of been another way around it because it really did cause chaos with people's mental health. Over here in Australia the rules were more relaxed while many other countries including England where I'm from had really strict rules and we didn't know how anyone was able to stick to them. And then of course later on we had strict rules too. Everytime we think things are getting better we here of a new virus that has come along. I know we're in 2022 now but I still don't know what to expect.
I don't think any of us really know what to expect but hopefully things will start to get better now.
It's been a very challenging time for so many of us. No idea if we're over the worst of it or not but hopefully things will start to improve from now on.