Hi Nostalgiacs!
As some of you will have noticed, I have been a little naughty this month by not posting regularly. The reason is... I'm back in England! Yep I'm back in the motherland catching up with family, friends and just loving being home. It's funny because since moving to the States, I hadn't returned to London for more than two years. And now I'm back for the second time in six months. I hope it won't be so long until my next visit. I'll be back in the States in a few days time so get ready for some non-stop posting!

For most of my life, like most people, I thought there was only one Elizabeth Taylor (and no, I'm not talking about my old dinner lady!) OK, there must be loads of Elizabeth Taylors out there - I mean I thought there was only one well-known Elizabeth Taylor, known for making her name in the arts. But then I discovered another Elizabeth Taylor who was a writer and famous for her short stories. One of her shorts, The Flypaper was adapted for the small screen in what has to be the most chilling, blood-curdling episode I've ever seen on Tales Of The Unexpected. I grew up on a diet of horror flicks, and The Flypaper did what The Shining, The Omen, and The Exorcist didn't do to my childhood self by forcing me to sleep with the light on - and I was a thirty-something year old, married woman!

I figured that someone who created a piece of work that gave me nightmares of such epic proportions had to be super talented so I've been trying to catch up on as much of the late Ms. Taylor's work as I can (funnily enough she's known as 'the other' Elizabeth Taylor!) So when I stumbled across another screen adaptation based on her work A Dedicated Man, I just had to check it out. Featuring a cast of fine British actors, with a melancholic storyline with themes of loneliness and regret, I wasn't disappointed. Check out the upcoming post for A Dedicated Man.
Long Time fans of Neighbours were in for a treat this month when Gemma Willis (was Ramsay) returned to Erinsborough to ask former sister-in-law, Therese, for help with her wayward daughter, Roxy.

What was really awesome was that Gemma was played by Beth Buchanan, who originally played the role of Madge Bishop's niece back in the early nineties - a time where you risked being ostracized at school if you missed the previous night's episode of Neighbours! What I'd like to know is, how does Beth still look like she did when she left the soap almost thirty years ago? But then seeing as her sister, Simone played a character who was supposed to be in her late twenties (Samantha Fitzgerald) when the actress was almost forty, it's clear that amazing genes run in that family!
The purpose of Gemma's return was to introduce the character of Roxy Willis to the show. I have no idea what lies ahead for Roxy but I do wish Gemma's visit was a lot longer. Maybe next time she can bring Adam back with her!

Photos: Angel Noire and YouTube
Blog graphics: Angel Noire