By sheer coincidence, 25th January is a special and significant day for a few of my family and friends due to the number of marriages and births that have taken place on that day. And it's a very special day for Nostalgia Pie too as that's when the third - and dare we say it, the best - incarnation of this site began five years ago...

Nostalgia Pie started it's journey back in 2012 and I was soon bitten by the blogging bug. It was a rediscovery of TV shows, books, and music that I hadn't come across in ages that set me on the road to creating this site. I won't lie, in more recent times, I've become quite bored and disheartened by what passes for entertainment these days. It's not that everything produced today is abysmal of course but I just feel that a lot of the more current things I see are a bit soulless and lacking in something, and you have to really search for something that's got quality writing, acting and storylines. Well that's what I think anyway!
But being reintroduced to things I used to watch/listen to/use/wear/scoff etc. really took me back and was such an uplifting, enriching and enlivening experience. The long-lost inner child in me would exclaim "Ooh I remember that!" and "Goodness! It's been ages since I listened to them!" as well as "How on earth did I forget about that!" Happy memories would have me grinning away like the Cheshire cat. Yep I was bitten by the nostalgia bug all right. I wondered if anyone else got swept away by the wave of nostalgia when it came to memories of the news, events, and pop culture of their time. So I got the bright idea to put all of my nostalgic wonderings, ponderings and ramblings into a blog... And I've never looked back! Oh and as it happened, there were plenty of people like me who loved a bit of nostalgia!
Just a few of our favourite things....
Nostalgia Pie has had two previous homes, and each one I feel, has been better than the last. But it was after moving to America, I decided that if I had a new home, then maybe Nostalgia Pie should to! I felt that the time had come for a bit of a revamp - that and I needed something to keep me out of trouble! And so here we are, and I have to say I'm delighted with the site that I recreated five years ago - I hope the followers are as well! Something I'd never done with the older versions of this site was include a forum and that was something I'd always hoped to do. And I finally got my chance to do just that five years ago. Initially the aim was to share memories with other nostalgia addicts but it ended up becoming so much more than that...
...And a few more! Bring on the nostalgia!
We've got a fantastic bunch of people here who have helped to make Nostalgia Pie what it is, and for that I am extremely grateful. And it's because of this site that I've been able to meet some of Nostalgia Pie's amazing followers and connect with them in the real world... People I'm very blessed to be able to call friends. I consider this a real blessing because when I started the revamp of Nostalgia Pie, I was two years into my expat adventure. I was far from home; away from family, friends and all that was dear and familiar to me, and was having to start again from scratch. There were days when I didn't really feel like myself. But then this blog came along and it gave me exactly what I was looking for - a sense of community, belonging, and new friends. I have so much to thank this site for.

It's so weird to think that five years have just sailed by just like that. And I've enjoyed every second of it. There's still lots more that I plan to do. We've just started our Retro Reads online book group with the first meeting to take place next month, and I'm working on more exciting ventures to ensure that this isn't just one of my happy places... but yours too!
Thanks to everyone who follows this site and interacts with us here. Nostalgia Pie couldn't work without you.
Happy fifth birthday, Nostalgia Pie. Here's to the next five years...

Photos: Angel Noire, Pixabay and YouTube
Blog graphics: Angel Noire

Wow, I'm so late to the birthday party but congrats on the milestone. I've certainly enjoyed reading your posts.
Hope you enjoyed your birthday celebrations! 🎂
I'm late but happy birthday anyways.
Happy blogversary, Nostalgia Pie! 🎂
Happy birthday Nostalgia Pie. And thanks Angel for this great blog. I always look forward to new posts. ❤️