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Ten Jaw-Dropping TV Moments

Writer's picture: Angel NoireAngel Noire

Updated: Apr 8, 2023

Just when you think you've seen it all...

The 94th Academy Awards held last Sunday, answered the question for everyone who ever wondered why Will Smith was often regarded as a whack rapper! The world is still reeling after watching Smith calmly walk up on stage and deliver an almighty slap to Chris Rock after Rock had made a joke regarding Will's wife, Jada Pinkett-Smith's shaven head.

Whether you're Team Will or Team Chris is one thing, but something we do know for sure is that this moment in Academy Award history will never be forgotten and will follow Will Smith around for years to come. In a night that saw Will finally win the coveted Best Actor Oscar, his win was grossly overshadowed by his shocking behaviour. Even Will's own mother admitted she was astounded by what she saw as she has never seen Will react like that before. Maybe she'll send him to stay with his aunty and uncle in Bel Air...

But let's face it, where TV is concerned, this isn't the first time our jaws have hit the floor (although admittedly all the TV events listed here are a lot more tame than Sunday night's shenanigans!) During our years of television watching, we've stumbled across some real never-saw-that-coming moments. When you watch a film, soap opera, or TV drama, you know that the scriptwriters and directors have worked hard to incorporate dramatic and explosive moments - and we expect nothing less.

But when it's television that has not (necessarily) been scripted - especially when it's live TV - the following classic TV moments prove that it isn't always all right on the night and viewers are sometimes left stunned, wondering "Did I really just see that???"

Show: The National TV Awards

Year: 2001

Channel: ITV

Key players: Judy Finnegan, Richard Madeley, John Leslie

This was a real OMG! moment. Richard Madeley and Judy Finnigan's daytime TV show This Morning had just won an award at The National Television Awards. As they walked up to the podium, the audience dissolved into fits of laughter. The husband and wife presenting duo assumed it was because of the clip that had just been shown where Richard was impersonating Ali G.

At the same time, a very gallant John Leslie leapt to the stage and rearranged Judy's coat - and that was when the penny dropped for the This Morning presenters. Richard announced that the mishap would be edited out of the show before it was broadcast, so Judy reminded him that the show was being broadcast live!

We have to say that Richard and Judy dealt with the incident in very good humour and recovered well. The very next day, Judy's wardrobe malfunction made front page news and other talk shows could talk about nothing else. Richard and Judy also talked about what had happened during that acceptance speech (well why not! Everyone else was!) on This Morning, with both Richard and Judy puzzled as they couldn't understand how the dress had come undone when Richard had fastened it securely.

Fern, Richard and Carol stunned!

But it certainly wasn't all bad. Judy was complimented on her, er, assets, and Richard was declared a very lucky man! And John Leslie, the former Blue Peter presenter who had rushed up on stage to protect Judy's modesty was praised the following day for his chivalrous actions. But in a bizarre twist of fate, Leslie was caught up in a series of scandals that put paid to his TV career even though he was acquitted of all charges. Another thing no one saw coming...

Show: Clive Anderson All Talk

Year: 1997

Channel: BBC1

Key players: Clive Anderson, The Bee Gees

As BBC's Clive Anderson All Talk was not live, the papers had already reported that all had not been well during Anderson's interview with the Bee Gees, so it wasn't a total shock when the legendary music group walked out while in the middle of an interview, but it was still an 'OMG' moment!

It started out like any other interview with the audience excited as their musical idols took their seats on stage. Clive asked many questions about their childhood, career and family life while giving them a bit of a ribbing. However the teasing proved to be a bit too much for Barry, who felt that Clive had gone one insult too far and stormed off the stage in a fit of temper, closely followed by Robin who was also equally angry. Maurice, who didn't seem at all cross, was the last to leave and decided to follow his brothers because he couldn't see any point in continuing the interview without the other Bee Gees. "I don't do impressions," said Maurice thoughtfully as he struggled to remove his mic. Clive Anderson's face when he realised that the Bee Gees were being serious about walking off was unforgettable.

The Bee Gees appearance on Clive Anderson's show divided the nation. Some felt that the Bee Gees had behaved like divas and had a very poor sense of humour, while others thought that Clive had behaved in a very offensive manner and that he owed the Bee Gees an apology.

We just think it was a classic moment in TV history.

Show: The Russell Harty Show

Year: 1980

Channel: BBC1

Key players: Russell Harty, Grace Jones, Patrick Litchfield, WA Poucher

Those who were fans of eighties' British chat shows would most probably remember this one - every interviewer's worst nightmare come to life on screen! Not that we can put all the blame on Grace Jones as chat show host Russell Harty didn't come out of this too well himself - in more ways than one!

Singer, actress and model Grace Jones was a huge star in the eighties. Edgy, fearless, quite eccentric with her own unique sense of style, she was not unlike our modern-day icon Lady Gaga. Russell harty was another well known face on British television in the 1980s, and with Grace Jones appearing on his mid-evening chat show - The Russell Harty Show - the audience thought they were in for an evening of riveting conversation and fun.

But it turned out to be anything other than that, with the two appearing annoyed at the other's presence. Grace was sullen and childish, refusing to give proper answers to his questions (she admitted on the show that she was sleep deprived, and in her book also admitted that she was high) while Harty came across as sarcastic and demeaning, talking to Grace as though she was a five year old. At one point he even mocked her outfit, saying he though she would be wearing something ' more lavish.' Er, it actually was! And in any case, Grace was so strikingly beautiful, she could've worn a potato sack and still pulled off the look!

The audience probably laughed along at the sheer awkwardness of it all. But things took a turn for then worse, when Grace became more than a bit miffed that Russell kept turning his back to her in order to talk to other guests. Known for being eccentric, Grace warned Russell not to keep ignoring her. He didn't take her warnings seriously - so she smacked him. And then did it again. And again much to the bewilderment of Harty's bemused guests - who clearly didn't know what to make of it all.

At least Harty didn't turn his back to her after that!

4. Tommy Cooper Dies On Stage

Show: Live From Her Majesty's

Year: 1984

Channel: ITV

Key players: Tommy Cooper.

Welsh-born comedian and magician Tommy Cooper, with his trademark red fez, was an iconic figure from the seventies up until mid-eighties when he sadly passed away. One of his signature routines was the magic act that appeared to be going wrong, and he appeared on many of the entertainment variety shows that were so popular during this time. And it was on one such show, LWT's Live From Her Majesty's (after Her Majesty's Theatre in London) that Tommy made his last appearance...

Whilst in the middle of a comedy routine, Tommy Cooper, collapsed on stage after suffering a heart attack not only in front of the theatre's audience but in front of millions of viewers around the country too. The horribly sad thing is that because of Tommy's madcap style, everyone thought that this was part of his performance, and were laughing along with what they believed to be part of his act. Of course the programme makers, knowing that this wasn't what they saw during rehearsals would have been confused by the change in Tommy's routine, and knowing that something wasn't right, they went to an ad break.

It was much later that evening when the tragic news was announced that Tommy Cooper had sadly passed away.

5. Peter Smith Admits To Lying About His Age On Popstars: The Rivals

Show: Pop Stars: The Rivals

Year: 2002

Channel: ITV

Key players: Peter Smith, Davina McCall

Nowadays, search- for- a- new- pop star shows are two a penny and if I'm honest I'm a little bit bored of them now and rarely tune in. However, back in the day I used to watch them religiously. They really took off after Popstars, in which HearSay were discovered, so naturally we all tuned in to watch Popstars: The Rivals to find out who the new boy band and girl group of the future were going to be.

All was going well until week two when one of the boys was going to be eliminated. Suddenly Peter Smith said that there was something he needed to say. Despite finding it difficult to get the words out, Peter finally announced that he had lied about his age and that he was in fact two months too old to be in the competition.

The audience was stunned; Peter's fellow competitors - both girls and boys - were in tears; the show's presenter, Davina McCall, was struggling to keep it together, and if the viewing public were anything like me, then they undoubtedly got a little emotional too. Despite later claims, that Peter's shock announcement was planned in a bid to boost ratings, I think I'll give him the benefit of the doubt; it was a very brave thing for the young man to do on live national TV.

Show: Blind date

Year: 1998

Channel: ITV

Key players: Cilla Black, Nicola Gill

Blind Date used to be compulsive Saturday night viewing with the fab Cilla Black. It was a show for those who were looking for love - as well as the odd would-be celeb looking for exposure. Isn't that right Ms. Holden?

However, Nicola Gill, a journalist from Cosmopolitan, took things a step further...

Wanting to write an exposé about the show, she posed as a contestant and got to go on a date with a fellow contestant. Cilla and the Blind Date team somehow got wind of the 'contestant's'' true identity, and not one to suffer fools gladly, Cilla exposed the journalist on TV - in front of the audience and Nicola's very disappointed date - before giving her a dressing down for being down right sneaky and for depriving a genuine contestant of a place on the show.

There was never a dull moment on the show but we'd never seen anything like that on Blind Date before. Go Cilla!

Show: Have I Got News For You

Year: 1995

Channel: BBC1

Key players: Paula Yates, Ian Hislop

When British Tv presenter Paula Yates appeared on BBC quiz show Have I Got News For You, no one knew just how memorable and talked about this appearance was going to be. Paula had became, unfairly some might say, one of the most unpopular women on the planet when she ditched her husband, ex-Boomtown Rat and co-founder of Live Aid, Sir Bob Geldof after falling madly in love with INXS frontman Michael Hutchence. Michael had also had the end his relationship with Danish supermodel Helena Christensen in order to be with Paula, so it wasn't just Sir Bob who was nursing a broken heart.

During the show, British journalist Ian Hislop took swipes at Paula every opportunity he got. Paula reprimanded him for being so rude. A female member of the audience seemed to agree with Ian.

"So much for sisterhood!" said a very exasperated Paula.

"Is that what you said to Helena Christensen?" asked Ian as the audience gasped.

Paula later got her own back by calling Ian the 'sperm of the devil,'and looked thoroughly pleased with herself.

"Even her insults come from genitals," Ian shot back.

We've never seen sparring like it.

8. Big Brother 5's Fight Night

Show: The National TV Awards

Year: 2004

Channel: ITV

Key players: Emma Greenwood, Michell Bass

Big Brother 5 was probably the most dramatic series ever, with lots of edge of the seat stuff, but nothing was as explosive as Fight Night...

Two of the housemates, Emma Greenwood and Michelle Bass, were believed by the other housemates, to have been evicted in a surprise double eviction. In actual fact the two girls were hiding out in a secret house where they were watching the goings-on in the main house. They got to hear some not so nice things said about them, so when they finally surprised everyone by walking back into the house, it was very clear that they had scores to settle with some of the other housemates.

But nobody predicted just how out of hand things would get when angry exchanges turned into a physical fight, and for the first time ever, security had to enter the house and intervene as things became very violent and aggressive. And according to press reports, viewers who witnessed the violence as it was unfolding live, called he police. A very hysterical Emma was removed from the main house and taken back to the secret house  where she spent the night before being evicted for real. Although things did calm down, the divisions remained and the tensions continued until the series ended.

Show: The Word

Year: 1990

Channel: Channel 4

Key players: Amanda De Cadanet, Donnie Wahlberg, Danny Wood, Jordan Knight

The Word presenter Amanda De Cadenet's interview with three members of New Kids On The Block - Donnie Wahlberg, Danny Wood, and an extremely hot looking Jordan Knight - infuriated countless New Kids fans. She had spent the few minutes that she had interviewing mocking the fellas and making digs at them every opportunity she got. None of it in good humour. So she wasn't a New Kids fan, we get that, but she came across as extremely ignorant and unprofessional.

However as every Blockhead back in the day knew, you don't pick a fight with Donnie Wahlberg and expect to get away with it. The wildest New Kid, who wasn't afraid of anyone or anything, refused to put up with any nonsense from Ms. De Cadenet and put her well and truly in her place, even implying that her interviewing skills weren't up to much -  and he was right!

It wasn't the most comfortable of interviews but New Kids' fans cheered as the smug smile was wiped off Amanda's face.

NKOTB - 1 Amanda - 0

10. Bjork Goes Crazy

Show: Various news reports

Year: 1996

Channel: Various

Key players: Bjork, Julie Kaufman

OK, so we all knew that Icelandic pop star Bjork was more than just a little bit bonkers. In fact, I think she liked it that we all thought she was a bit bonkers. But nobody for a second thought that Bjork was a match for Mike Tyson until they saw her fly at a female reporter and attack her with extreme force, and left us all wondering what the hell just happened!

The violently unhappy pop star had just arrived at Bankok International, pushing a trolly which contained her baggage and young son, when she was greeted by British-born journalist, Julie Kaufman, who simply said, "Welcome to Bankok." That was all it took to push Bjork over the edge and she went straight for the reporter's hair, before knocking her to the ground and hitting her. The journalist was more stunned than hurt - though no doubt her pride took quite a battering.

No one could understand what made Bjork flip - until she later revealed that she was annoyed at the reporter for hounding both her and her son for several days.

Ever since this incident Bjork's been oh so quiet...

Photos: YouTube

Blog graphics: Angel Noire

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02. Juli 2022

That Richard and Judy moment was unforgettable that's for sure. But I remember it for the way Judy recovered from it very well. The next day she was in the This Morning studio talking about it and not hiding under the duvet like I would have done!

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Rosie B
24. Juni 2022

I remember Paula Yates appearance on Have I Got News For You. It was very brave of her to go on the show considering at the time she was the most hated woman in the country. And quite unfairly as well I thought. No one said anything about Michael Hutchence.

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Poisson Rouge
Poisson Rouge
29. Mai 2022

Remember the journalist on Blind Date. Cilla sure showed everyone who the boss woman was! LOL! And she showed everyone who was boss again years later when she announced she was quitting while the show was being broadcast without telling the show's bosses first. Go Cilla!

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08. Mai 2022

Yay, New Kids! I think it goes without saying that I'm a massive New Kids fan, so you can imagine how I was when the New Kids were around in the early nineties. I knew that the New Kids would be making an appearance on The Word, so stayed up with my new VHS tape ready to record it so that I could watch it over and over again. But I really wasn't expecting the interview to go the way that it did. To be honest, it was Amanda's fault (and I'm not just saying that because I'm a Blockhead!) She belittled them right from the beginning. Good on Donnie for giving her what for!

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Angel Noire
Angel Noire
20. Mai 2022
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I remember watching that interview all those years ago and cheering for putting Ms. De Cadenet well and truly in her place. Some people have said that it was probably a poor attempt at flirting with the New Kids and not because she meant to be intentionally unkind.

You know Amanda... Always had to have the best looking guys...

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28. Apr. 2022

I did see that Clive Anderson interview with the Bee Gees. Haha! Proof if ever you needed it that you don't mess with lads from Manchester!

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Egg Yolk
Egg Yolk
02. Mai 2022
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Too right you don't! Lasses neither! 😂

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