Last year we had to guess who was going to die during Christmas Eastenders and now we're doing it again! It's been said that there will be a death for the Christmas episode. Who does everyone think it will be? There seems to be a few possibilities.
Linda because we've seen photos of what we all think is her funeral.
Ian, who is hiding his heart problems from Cindy.
Phil who is meant to be suicidal.
Junior Knight who might get killed by Ian or Peter when they find out about his affair with Cindy.
Nish who is already very ill.
Suki or Eve could get killed by Nish.
Lots of possibilities here!
Well we thought it was going to be Cindy but she didn't die. The 40th is coming up so maybe that's when it will happen. But I reckon it'll be Sonia who dies not Cindy.
Well what do you know - nobody died at Christmas! However there's the 40th anniv. coming up. Maybe that's when this 'female character' will be leaving under horrific circumstances. Who knows!
I think we all know about the Christmas day shenanigans. But nobody actually died. Sorry if I'm spoiling this for anyone who has yet to see it. So I think it'll be NYD. It'll either be Nish (who we already know is leaving) and/or Suki or Eve.
I haven't watched todays but I think all the signs seem to be pointing either to Ian or Cindy.
I'm willing to bet all my Christmas presents that its Cindy. Her comeback has been a flop and we all remember what happened to Den Watts when his comeback wasn't what everyone thought it would be. He were killed off. I reckon the same will happen to Cindy. And if it does, I don't think many of us would care!
Ooh, I love these. Not people dying but having to guess what's going to happen! And seeing if our prediction is correct.
Well as LucieD has said, it's strongly been hinted that it's a female character that's expected to die but EastEnders being EastEnders, it could be a red herring. I feel there's a strong it could be Ian. There's also speculation that it could be Phil. Nish, of course, is a strong contender.
But I also wonder if it could be Cindy. Her comeback hasn't been what everyone thought it would be, so perhaps the writers have decided to write her out. Personally I think if that was the case, they should have done another murder mystery - who killed Cindy? Let's face it, in the short time she's been back, she's managed to rub a lot of people up the wrong way. There'd be no shortage of suspects!
Didn't I read something very recently about a script being left on a train, and whoever found it knows who the character who dies is going to be? It's been strongly hinted that it's a woman character so - Linda? The funeral is a bit of a giveaway but as some have said, it could be Easties trying to throw us off the scent which they've been known to do before.