Exactly what it says in the title!
Are they seriously pulling the same stunt they did over two years ago? What exactly are they trying to achieve? Sadly for them I don't think too many people care that the show is going to be cancelled. Everyone was up in arms before and getting very emotional. Even people who didn't watch it anymore. This time round, they don't give a $h1* whether it stays or not.
The Neighbours stars are even trying to get fans to do what they can to save the show. What on earth are the fans supposed to do when the show's bigwigs can't even get it together! Ridiculous!
I really do think that that is it for Neighbours now. You can't keep getting axed and then return again. It's ridiculous.
When I heard the news, I thought Oh here we go again! No doubt it'll be revived again a few months later!
I feel so sorry for Neighbours long-time fans. They must feel so messed about and disappointed. Com on Neighbours - get it together!
I've hardly watched since it returned. But then again I hardly watched before it was axed the first time! But I've heard from a lot of people who have watched it that it was even more pants than it was before so I suppose this isn't really a surprise.