Do any of you guys have specific traditions for food when you get together with your families? Whenever we had dinner growing up with our extended families it would always be a roast chicken dinner. I don't know why it was always chicken. I guess it's what most of us liked. Oh and me and my brother would always put ketchup on everything. Yes even the roast chicken. Our ketchup addiction is something of a joke amongst our family and something that still continues! 😂
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I don't think my tradition if you want to call it, is that different to anyone who grew up in America. It was just pizza on a Friday night! Either you would go to the pizza place with your parents or you'd order one at home to eat along with the movies that you'd just rented. And of course as a teenager you'd go with your friends, who really took over the place! so if you were going to go out to the pizza place, you needed to get there early if you wanted a table before the hoards of kids came in. Whenever I go home to MT, I still like to go out for a pizza with my family, and I've introduced my boyfriend to a few of the places I used to go to. In those days I didn't have any issues with pizza but now it has to be a gluten free base and I'm not so crazy about pepperoni these days.
My mum is a fantastic cook but her chicken fried rice is what I miss the most. She's been making that for me since I was a child and it's better than anything you can get from a take away shop. I do make it for my kids but I don't think it's the same as hers. So whenever I visit my parents, my mum knows what to make me
Friday night is always pizza or hamburger night as my boys love those so I suppose that is like our food tradition now and I'd like to think that in the future they might do something similar for their own kids.
Like some of you on here, it was a roast dinner. Not just on Sundays but also on special occasions. Though it wasn't always the same kind of meat. It was just whatever we fancied or what was on sale that week. LOL. Though more often than not it would always be rounded of with a bowlful of my nan's apple crumble. Not my most favourite dessert though of course I never told my nan that. But not bad. Even now the mere mention of crumble reminds me of my nan and family dinners.
Bacon and cabbage on a Sunday. We are Irish to the core! A lot of my non-Irish friends didn't understand that as most people had the traditional Sunday roast. I still do bacon and cabbage occasionally for my boys. A lot of Irish people swore by drinking the water that the bacon and cabbage was cooked in, saying it was very good for you. But my mum just saved it for when she was making soup. I don't do that because I very rarely make soup!
WE were very big on baking in our family. Cakes, savoury pastries, bread - you name it we used to bake it. Both my children used to help me with baking from the time they were tiny and today my 11 year old daughter makes better Cornish pasties than me!
Ours was always Chinese take out on a Friday night. Because I was very active I was careful to eat healthy but Friday night was one of the few times in a week where I could really let loose. I was crazy about dim sum and ginger chicken so I was always sure to include those in our order. It's still something I like to do on a Friday night if I'm visiting my family.
Great question, Chipmunk!
Well one of our family traditions for a Friday night dinner was a beef stew cooked by me! I loved cooking (would jump for joy whenever we had to cook something for Home Ec.) so I'd come home from school and go to the supermarket to buy all the ingredients (I was around 14) Although it was a beef stew, there were always loads of veggies in it - probably more than beef! Oh and it was also very peppery!
After a while, we stopped having beef stew on a Friday night and went all upmarket with... TV dinners! That's right, every Friday evening, my sister and I would accompany Mum to the supermarket and we'd pick out frozen ready meals for all the family. My mum was always very strict about healthy meals cooked from scratch, so once a week we were allowed to be a bit naughty!
Oh, and our Christmas dinner was always lamb which disappointed me and my siblings because we wanted turkey like everyone else.
Growing up in England, the Sunday Roast was very much a big deal in our family. Sometimes we'd have lunch at our house or we'd go to my grandparents. But it was a good time for the family to make an effort to get together for at least that one day of the week. It was usually roast beef, and if it was, we always had Yorkshire pudding. But if we had chicken, then it would ALWAYS be served with boiled new potatoes with herbs. That's if lunch was at our house as that's how my mum preferred it.
We still go over to my parents or in-laws for Sunday lunch but while the others will be tucking into roast meats, I will be having the vegan option!