This is another post I need to thanks Sir David of Retrohenshire for! His post about Heinz products that are no longer produced made me think about all kinds of food items and brands that once filled our fridge-freezer and kitchen cupboards but are now sadly no more. These have included:
Gino Ginelli Toffee Fudge ice-cream (and I'm not even really a toffee ice-cream person anymore!)
Tree Top Orange squash that we always served out when we had visitors!
Findus Crispy Pancakes
Mingles Mint chocolates. We had a box every Christmas and Dad would practically demolish the lot!
Heinz tinned puddings that Sir David talked about in his post and that was the subject of an early forum post on Nostalgia Pie.
The Golden Wonder crisps brand...
...and many, many more! Which food products and brands from your younger years would you like to see resurrected?
I live in America now so there's lots of things I'd like to see on supermarket shelves here! But one thing I'd love to see back are Milky Way Crispy Rolls which were discontinued a couple of years back. Loved those.