This is the first of two forum posts inspired by the fabulous Sir David of Retrohenshire of RetroHen blog fame. His post made me think about changes that I've witnessed and experienced over the years - some I never saw coming.
Here are some of them:
A king of England rather than a queen!
The closure of many of Britain's leading high street stores such as Woolworths; Tammy Girl; Granada etc.
Print publications practically on their way out!
The end of News of the World!
Mobile phones and this little thing called the internet taking over the world.
People no longer having to lie about having met their partner online!
The rise of social media
A pandemic that shut the whole world down and changed the way we lived and worked.
I could go on all day! What changes and major events have occurred over the years that you yourself have experienced that have had an impact, either on you individually or on society as a whole?
This is a sad one but the deaths of music legends especially from the kind of music I listen to like Chester Bennington, Chris Cornell, Joey Jordison etc. I remember when Kurt Cobain died. Coming from Washington, it felt like the whole state was in mourning. I guess I got a feeling of how it was when news broke that Elvis had died.